West Suburban Grief Coalition

Member Churches

                                            Church of the Epiphany, Episcopal

                                             Church Contact:  Rev. Lisa White Smith 763-276-5709

Congregational Church of Excelsior
Church Contact:  Pastor Jonathon Holtmeier – 952-474-5919

                                              Gethsemane Lutheran Church
                                              Church Contact:  Pastor John Nelson – 952-935-1753

Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community
Church Contact:  Fr. Timothy Wratkowski – 763-473-7901

Messiah Church
Church Contact:  Pastor Tami Luckhardt – 763-473-6968
Pastor Bethany Nelson

Minnetonka United Methodist Church
Church Contact:  Pastor Carrie Binnie – 952-474-4114

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church of Excelsior

Church Contact: Pastor Brenda Legred – 952-474-8893


Mount Olivet Lutheran Church of Plymouth
Church Contact:  Pastor Beth Horsch – 763-559-2775
Pastor Kristin Dybdal

Oak Knoll Lutheran Church
Church Contact:  Pastor Jay Rudi – 952-546-5433
Pastor Micele Abbott

Redeemer Lutheran Church & Christian Academy

Church Contact:  Pastor Steve Ferber – 952-473-1281

St. Barnabas Lutheran Church
Church Contact:  Pastor Jeff Heiderscheit – 763-553-1239
Pastor Stephanie Luedtke

St Bartholomew Catholic Faith Community
Church Contact:  Abbie Kluiter – 952-473-6601

St. Mary of the Lake Catholic Church
Church Contact:  Therese Johnson, Pastoral Minister – 763-545-1443

St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
Church Contacts:  Rev. Valerie Strand Patterson – 763-475-7126
                                 Alva Benson – 763-545-1108

Trinity Lutheran Church
Church Contacts:  Pastor Ann Fenlason – 952-473-8577

Wayzata Community Church
Church Contacts:  Pastor Lindy Purdy – 952-473-8877
Pastor Steve Wiens
Reverend Danielle Jones


New Member Churches are always welcome.  Please contact Harley Feldman 612-840-1774 for information on joining the Coalition


We thank the Member Churches of the West Suburban Grief Coalition for their continued support.

We are grateful to David Lee Funeral Home of Wayzata for their financial support, printing our brochures and providing our annual memorial service candles and to Gearty-Delmore Funeral Chapel and Gill Brothers Funeral Chapels for helping make this Grief Coalition possible